Friday, September 7, 2012

Google SWOT Analysis

I am a self-proclaimed Google-a-holic and avid Android user. I was very excited for a chance to perform a SWOT analysis on the company.


  1. Great Analysis Amanda! Using social networking would definitely help Google take advantage of certain opportunities. Improving search accuracy I feel is key as that is the bread and butter of Google. Their simplicity is their biggest strength and utilizing their strengths would serve to create a strong attacking strategy.

  2. Very neatly organized and eye-pleasing data :) I was a little taken aback by the "Limited Profitability" weakness and did like the suggestions you made - I was always under the impression that Google reaped high profits thanks to its advertising business. Even their last quarter was profitable mainly due to the "display advertising" via their mobile business. They have now claimed that they are a mobile company since that part of the business was the main contributor towards the recorded profits.

  3. Thank you both for your comments. By suggesting "limited profitability" as a weakness of Google, I meant to suggest that with the extremely brief life cycle for technology products, Google will have to continuous innovate to generate new sources of revenue. Eventually, some other company may be able to compete on a similar level to Google due to the market structure of a technology business. I think that currently Google uses "20% time" where employees get 20% of their time to work solely on business improvement developments which may be the way to ensure long term profitability.I do agree with you that Google currently has a superior market position, however. With the develop of Android and the expansion of Google's non-search web presence, I see the company surviving for a long time.

  4. Pleasant data.Their effortlessness is their greatest quality and using their qualities would serve to make a solid assaulting can visit us Google swot analysis
