Monday, October 29, 2012

Why Big Companies Can't Innovate?

Maxwell Wessel explains “Why Big Companies Can’t Innovate” in his September 2012 blog post on HBR Blog Network. In fact, Wessel articulates that big companies are designed to fail at innovation. I found there were three main criteria describing why big companies fail at innovation.

I would agree with Wessel’s analysis that differing success metrics between entrepreneurs and mature corporations provide the number one reason for failed innovation attempts in big corporations. In my research, I found several examples of real companies’ examples of both failed and successful innovation attempts.

Failed Innovation Attempts at Large Corporations

Most of the failed attempts summarized below failed due to a late-to-market approach to innovation and a lack of standardized and continuous improvement methods rather than a one-time fix. In all three cases, these companies were subject to the technological revolution of the internet and the ever-expanding product offerings available online.

Successful Innovation Attempts at Large Corporations

A common theme from successfully innovated companies is a financially supported innovation plan from the top-down. These corporations prioritize innovation and value the input of their employees, empowering innovation from within.

I read an interesting article on Fast Company called “4 Innovation Strategies From Big Companies That Act Like Startups” by Soren Kaplan ( Like Wessel, Kaplan suggests that successful corporations think like start-ups. This parallel illustrates the paradigm shift to entrepreneurial thinking for innovative success. The four strategies highlighted by Kaplan are summarized below.


  1. Interesting comments Amanda. I like your examples of successful and unsuccessful companies with innovation. I remember when Kodak was successful. If only they had analyzed the market better and taken advantage of innovative opportunities, they might still be where they were in the 80's and 90's.

  2. Fantastic supporting examples to prove the point that big companies can successfully innovate!

  3. Amanda,

    I am following the happenings at Yahoo with new CEO Marisa Mayer. It was refreshing to see the Yahoo board make a bold move to bring on a young ambitious executive with no previous experience to turn things around at Yahoo. It remains to be seen if Mayer can change things around at Yahoo, however her first move to bring on Max Levchin is a positive move. As Max explained, Mayer wants to bring in the
    entrepreneurial spirit into Yahoo which is why she asked him to join the board. As you explained in your blog, it is that start-up mentality which is required.

  4. Good company examples. Love the graphics support. I take it you are a designer? If so, I'd love to talk. I'm looking for someone who can create infographics for social media distribution. (Pssst! Call me :-)
